Friday, June 1, 2007

46. Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

I had to read this in Year 12 and I remember chucking it down so vividly - I'd never been so glad to get through an assigned text! (Well, maybe Lord of the Flies....) I figured it was probably more the fact that I *had* to read it that led to my dislike so I thought I'd give it another try 15 years on.

Didn't work. I still am irritated by this book. Heathcliff is tortured and evil, Catherine is a spoiled twat and I don't care about either of them. The only person who is truly likeable in the novel is Edgar Linton and even he is a wet fish. And he gets so royally screwed over that it's hard to "enjoy" this novel. I didn't mind Hareton, I guess, but eh. The ending is a little neat and yet still, I didn't really care.

It does make you really glad for the womens' liberation movement though....

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