Friday, June 1, 2007

69. The Godfather by Mario Puzo

You should know - I *hate* Mafia movies. I get creeped out by them, and just dislike the all-pervasive nature of the "Family" influence. I even switch the channel when the Law and Order storylines take that plot direction. So I was expecting to hate this book and approached it with trepidation and a definite lack of enthusiasm.

Well, this was a REALLY GOOD BOOK. I was totally drawn in to the story by the end of the first chapter and did have to check myself a few times when I realised that I was cheering on the murderous vengeance attacks a few times! The characters are well drawn and lull you into a level of acceptance where their actions seem perfectly logical and deserved. It was funny to finally see the context of those movie snippets you see in all the "Top 100 movies" shows too - another movie that I will have to track down!

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