Friday, June 1, 2007

73. Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides

While reading this list, I've occasionally stumbled on an absolute gem. Some I loved already and some I have thought "Yep, good example of the genre, but SO not my genre" but there have been just a couple of titles that I've read and loved to pieces. This is one of those novels.

I would have never picked it up. It's about a hermaphrodite and the great family that brought him/her to the point of realisation, as well as presenting a bit of a family saga through WWII and the Depression, through WWII and into the 60s and 70s. It's quite a long book as a result but I only found one section dragged, and I couldn't quite be sure whether that was just cause I was really tired for other reasons.

Overall, a great read. Something that I am so glad I found and will now heartily recommend to all!

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