Friday, June 1, 2007

60. Ancient Future by Traci Harding

Well after beginning this with some trepidation as it was *not* recommend by several :) I must say that I ended up rather liking it. The writing is terrible - description is awkward and the characters are a little cardboard, but the twists and turns in the plot were sorta clever. I liked it more than the Galbaldron that I read last, which had a very similar plot. I think this might annoy the crap out of anyone who has a good knowledge of medieval history and literature - or even some views on time travel and continuity - but all in all, I didn't mind it. Not a strong recommendation in the least but there you go!

1 comment:

Dee said...

Oh dear. I thought the writing was atrocious and the twists and turns almost always involved her character discovering some special power she'd been unaware she had: it seemed the worst of plot devices and it happened repeatedly. I couldn't get past that :D At least it was shorter than the Gabaldon books...